[INDONESIA]General Gaming Roleplay
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Basic Rules

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Basic Rules Empty Basic Rules

Post by staffggrp Tue May 24, 2016 8:22 am

kali ini, saya akan memberitahukan apa saja basic rules Roleplay antara lain:
GZ - Green Zone:
Refuse RP - Force RP - Menolak untuk berkompromi dengan lawan RP:
Non RP:
MG - Meta Gaming:
PG - Power Gaming:
Scamming - Penipuan:
Robery - Perampokan individual - Perampokan kecil:
BANK ROBERY - Perampokan Besar:
DM - Death Match:
Revenge Kill - Balas Dendam:
Rules Pembawaan Senjata:
Rules Pembawaan Item:
Mask Rules:
AFK - Away From Keyboard:

Regards, Staff GG:RP


Jumlah posting : 15
Join date : 24.05.16
Age : 20
Lokasi : Bangkalan,Madura,Jawa Timur, Indonesia


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